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PDF 重要會計用語中英對照
2024-11-07 23:481 「重要會計用語中英對照」 (IASB提供之2020年版國際務報導準則之重要會計用語 原文與2019年版比較並無差異,本會臺灣務報導 準則委員會之中文翻譯有部分修改) Item Term in English Term in Chinese 1 [Amount] recoverable 可回收(金額) 2 緩衝區 )'Corridor' 3 銷貨成本法'Cost of sales' method
會計: B/F 同 B/D 既分別係咩 - 功課問題及解答 - 香港討論區 - 香討.香港 No.1
會計: B/F 同 B/D 既分別係咩b/f: brought forward b/d: brought down 有分別? 香港討論區
1 个回答. c/f是carried forward的缩写,Cambridge Dictionary给出的解释是:the practice of treating a company's present profit or loss as if it happened in a later period,中文译为"结转下期"。. 比如,loss c/f表示"结转至下期损失",balance c/f表示"结转至下期余额"。. b/f是brought forward ...
會計新鮮人必看|會計專有名詞中英文對照表&科目英文縮寫,不怕看不懂會計科目 - TC Sharing
會計科目對公司營運非常重要,類似於公司的體脂檢測,能清楚了解費用來源、使用方式以及資金運用。. 會計科目能夠幫助公司節省成本、運用資金以及查核業績等。. 會計用詞中英文對照表包括了資產、負債、權益、收入、費用等常見詞彙。. 會計英文科目 ...
BROUGHT FORWARD的意思、解釋及翻譯:used to refer to an amount at the end of a column, page, or accounting period that is copied at the…。了解更多。
Bring Something Forward中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典
bring something forward翻译:提出,呈现, 把…提前。了解更多。
bring forward - Chinese translation - Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "bring forward" - Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "bring forward" ... A GS CDM project is better than a 'normal' CDM project, which will bring more benefits to the project. This meeting is held to receive ...
bring forward - 英汉词典
主要翻译: 英语: 中文: bring [sth] forward vtr phrasal sep (reschedule for earlier) SC Simplified Chinese 提前 tí qián TC Traditional Chinese 提前: I hope the doctor's surgery can bring my appointment forward, as I'll be on holiday next week.
bring forward中文,bring forward的意思,bring forward翻譯及用法 - 英漢詞典
the idea was simple: bring forward the features of tomorrow's web technologies into today's browsers. 想法其實很簡單:把明天的web技術帶到今天的瀏覽器里。 the main demand is to bring forward the date when the government has the option to increase its 34% share in the project to 50%.
bring forward - 英中 - Linguee词典
A GS CDM project is better than a 'normal' CDM project, which will bring more benefits to the project. This meeting is held to receive feedback and hear opinions from all stakeholders. 黄金标准 CDM 项目,是更加优质 CDM 的项目,有利于项目的发展,本次开会 主要是听取各相关方对于项目的意见,以及 ...
Google 提供的服務無須支付費用,可讓您即時翻譯英文和超過 100 種其他語言的文字、詞組和網頁。
balanced budget multiplier 平均預算乘數. balanced budget policy 平衡預算政策. balanced fund 平衡基金. balanced inventory 均衡庫存. BAA Sub-Groups 英國會計學會下設研究組. back charge 欠付費用. back date 填早日期. backdoor financial 後門籌款. backed bill 背書票據.
'BRING FORWARD' 的 简体中文 Translation | 柯林斯 英语 - 汉语词典
英式英语: bring forward / brɪŋ ˈfɔːwəd / VERB. If you bring forward an event, you arrange for it to take place at an earlier time than had been planned. He had to bring forward an 11 o'clock meeting. 美式英语: move forward / muv ˈfɔrwərd /. 阿拉伯语: يُقَدِّم.
bring forward中文, bring forward中文意思 - 查查綫上翻譯
bring forward中文意思::提出 ... 【會計】把(賬目)結轉(到次頁)。 3. 把…提前 (B- forward the prisoner. 帶犯人出庭! bring forward an opinion 提出意見。 bring forward a meeting 把會議召開日期提前)。 bring (sth.) home (to sb.) 1. 使(某人)清楚地認識到[痛切地感覺到了](某事)。
BROUGHT FORWARD的意思、解释及翻译:used to refer to an amount at the end of a column, page, or accounting period that is copied at the…。了解更多。
bring something forward 在英語中的意思 - Cambridge Dictionary
BRING SOMETHING FORWARD的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to introduce something so that it can be seen or discussed: 2. to change the date or time of an…。了解更多。
carried forward中文,carried forward的意思,carried forward翻譯及用法 - 英漢詞典
any excess amount may be carried forward and deductible in the following 5 tax years. 當年不足抵免的,可以在以后5個納稅年度結轉抵免。. carried forward中文的意思、翻譯及用法: [會計] 結轉;轉下頁;接后。. 英漢詞典提供【carried forward】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
tax loss carryback, carryforward,稅損退算和結轉,元照英美法詞典 - 免費線上查詢!
CARRYFORWARD的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the practice of treating a company's present profit or loss as if it happened in a later period…。了解更多。
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